Friday, September 15, 2017

just to tell you

I forgot to tell you guys that I'm getting out in one more week but I'm also going for a holiday down hamelton. but don't worry I'll probably this stay their for a couple of days. now that my tubes gone it's cool but one of my nurses gave me a deal. she said I had to drink and eat but now this my soup and milkshakes I also can eat other foods. I also think that everyday (except when I get out) people come in and come with a menu and my jobs to pick what I want. I'll probably get back in the holidays.

Tuesday, September 12, 2017

I'm comming home

"Hi guys good news I'm comming home 1 more week!"
I heard about that you guys sent some cards to make me feel better I - I don't know what to say you guys are the best thank you all so much. they  took out the feeding tube
if you didn't know about my tube
it was a thing that was sticking in my right side of my nose so I can eat and so that I didn't lose weight.  if you think it was anoying believe me it was they had to put the tube by my chin, up my ear and right in my side throat.
"okay better start to eat my dinner see you guys real soon?"
"yes eating food no more liquid food yay!"